It all happened on the Eve of the tragedy.The time all of the lights went out in the village it was so dark out side that you could not even see two inches in front of your face.The silence was deafening.I could hear my heart beating fast,faster then,talking to my self trying to calm myself down"Wow,What a night,and then I began to recite the songs I once knew by heart long ago,you know the ones that made you feel good?The ones I learned at Church,singing loudly in my head,"Jesus loves me this I know....then the sound drifts away from my memory the silence is now so deafening.Terror fills my soul,I felt as if I couldn't breath,but I continued on and on,hearing nothing feeling nothing seeing nothing.
Don't go they told me,please wait till day break,but I just couldn't my Grandmother was sick and she needed help. The closest Doctor was at least three hours away by horseback,in day light but here I was in the darkness stumbling,tripping,falling all along the way on foot.The horses had run off during the storm I had no choice but to leave when I did,on foot. grandma had practically raised me and I knew I couldn't let her die.I had to go for help.I was running and walking but I was getting there I told myself.Just then I tripped and fell a long way it seemed forever down,down,down,I didn't stop for a long time.As I was falling I felt the spider webs,the roots,the smell of wet dirt.When I finally came to a halt,I could barely see,because the moonlight was creeping through the clouds.It was then that I realized I wasn't on the ground,rather I had landed on a huge tree root,and I had no way back up,I yelled for help,"HELP,"HELP,I screamed,but to no one that was there......
Suddenly out of the darkness,I saw a light flickering and shining then I saw a shadow,it was a man. I was never so happy in all of my life.I wasn't even worried about myself actually all I could think of was Grandma,and the mission I was on to go get help and bring it back to her.Then the shadow yelled out,"Anybody down there?""Oh yes,I screamed,I am down here",and who might ye be?"Came the voice,I started thinking .........who am I?.Oh then I said"My name is Gloria Gander,I come from the hilltop over the ridge...I am on a mission,My Grandmother needs a doctor and I am on my way to Doc Taylor's house,to retrieve him."........ can you help me?"...............There was a long silence,then there was an answer."I can help you young one"with that he was gone. |
He returned later as it seemed like an eternity.I heard something so I shouted up,"Is that you sir"without a word I heard a horse then a rope came down along the wall of this huge hole I grabbed it and was pulled back up to safety..The man was gone,but there was the horse saddled up ready to ride,.I looked around for the man he wasn't there.I called out and heard no answer just silence.I didn't want to leave ungrateful,but I had to get Doc Taylor,I hopped on the horse and took off.Grandma needed the help,and I had to get it.
| I arrived at Doc Taylors house within the hour told him about grandma,he got his bag and jumped in his horse drawn carriage and followed me,it wasn't too late we got to grandma just in time. During the next few weeks grandmas health got back to normal,grandma was up and cooking for the family and reading us stories again just like she used too way into the night. I told grandma about the man that helped me.I described him to her and she almost fainted she said,"Child,that man was your grandpa!Although gramps had been dead for almost 10 years.I couldn't believe it,he came back to help grandma!